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Regal Pest Control technicians are fully licensed and trained to remove the squirrels on your property. Squirrels can cause damage to your home and property. 

By contacting our wildlife management professionals, you are doing more than simply removing the squirrels on your property. A professional uses the correct bait (which minimizes the chance of catching neighborhood pets and other non-target wildlife), the correct traps (using a large enough or small enough trap to ensure effective trapping and the safety of the animal trapped) and removes the animal in the appropriate way.

The Regal Process

Our five step process to remove the squirrels on your property.



There are a variety of reasons why squirrels den in and around your property. Every quality service begins with a thorough initial inspection. Our technicians will look for entry-points and any environmental or construction issues that may allow access or that could contribute to the present or future squirrel problems you’re having.



After our initial inspection, our technicians will assess all reasonable solutions and will review the approach we’re recommending to resolve the issue. Our technicians will go over the scope of our service and will answer any questions you may have regarding the removal of the squirrels and the exclusion services we can or cannot offer.



Live trapping is the preferred method for removing the squirrels on your property. Live traps are designed to capture the squirrels without physically harming the animal. These traps work by using a trap door or gate which is propped open. The door or gate is tripped by the animal stepping on the trigger-plate, which is located in-between a non-poisonous bait and the trap door or gate. 



Follow up services are scheduled to check the traps for any wildlife caught or to rebait, reposition or to add additional traps as needed. We typically conduct five services total for our live trapping services. Service visits are spaced 24 hours apart to minimize the amount of time that the animal is in the trap. 



There are instances where we can install materials to temporarily exclude entry-points after trapping services have been conducted. However, we always determine whether we can or cannot offer this service at your location by conducting an on-site initial inspection.  There are instances where we will not be able to close off entry-points as it may be more appropriate for a licensed contractor to offer you that service.  

Schedule Your Squirrel Inspection or Get A Quote Today!

Squirrel Habitats on Your Property

Squirrels can inhabit a variety of areas on your property. The following are common areas where squirrels may be found.




Why Choose Regal?

See why thousands of Michigan homeowners and businesses have chosen Regal Pest Control as their pest management provider.

Family Operated
Locally Owned

We are a locally-owned and family-operated company. We’ve proudly serviced  Southeast Michigan residents for 20 years.

Unmatched Customer Service

Customer service is an integral part of our formula in providing a premium service. Service that’s fast, friendly and responsive.

No Long-Term Contracts

We offer service programs to protect your home or business. Solutions without the long-term contract attached.

Frequently Asked Questions

Squirrels are commonly found around homes and businesses, especially if you have a wooded lot. That being said, there are steps you can take to prevent squirrels from getting into eaves, attic spaces and other areas around your structure.

1) Make sure that soffit panels are secure and that there aren’t any gaps around them.

2) Make sure that gable vent covers, dryer vent covers, bathroom exhaust fan vent covers and any other covers are not stuck open or aren’t accessible by inspecting for rips, tears or make sure that there isn’t missing screening behind the vents, especially with gable vents.

3) If you feed the birds, try to prevent leaving bird seed on the ground and consider feeder posts that prevent squirrels from easily accessing the bird seed.

Yes. All of our technicians are licensed through the State of Michigan. Many of our technicians carry several different categories on-top of their base certification.

Yes. All of our technicians are fully insured.

Typically, squirrels will store nuts and seeds in attic spaces. This is normally the sure indication that you’re dealing with a squirrel issue. Other evidence is nesting and droppings in the area.

Founded in 2000 right here in Michigan, Regal Pest Control has been servicing Southeast Michigan for 20 years now!

Learn more about us here!

Yes. We offer a $50 discount for every new homeowner or business you refer to us, when that homeowner or business receives and pays for their service. There’s no limit to the number of referral credits you can receive. For more information, see our customer referral program here. Some limitations may apply and Regal Pest Control can cancel the referral program at any time.

We accept cash, checks and all major credit cards.

Call 1-866-453-7221 today to get a quote!

Locally owned. Family operated. Servicing Southeast Michigan for over 20 years.